Mailing Address: 251 North Spruce Street
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101


Hi, {Contact_First_Name}! 

Just a reminder that the Annual Members Meeting is coming up, so if you haven't RSVP'd yet, please do! We can't wait to celebrate all we achieved in the 2023-24 year with you!

DATE: June 18th

TIME: 6 to 8 PM

PLACE: Masonic Center of Winston-Salem

Please note that this event is potluck style, so plan on bringing your favorite dish!




BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: New Community Exhibition Spaces!

We have two new Community Exhibition Spaces for our members to fill. 

  • Broad Branch Distillery
  • Kimpton Cardinal Hotel

Broad Branch is the home of our monthly artists meet-ups, and they've agreed to host some of our art! In addition, the Cardinal boutique hotel is filled with art deco decorations that our art perfectly compliments.

The process for entering these exhibitions is in the works - we will let you all know when it is ironed out. Big thanks to our Community Exhibitions Chair, Kimberly Varnadoe for getting both of these set up for us!


M A T T H E W   M O N K    _____________________

A teacher at different institutions for over 30 years, Monk has a knack for graphic design. But after so many years on a computer, he longed for the messy nature that art brings. 

At night after work, he started making collages that incorporate his skills of graphic design. This includes using grids and structure in his works inspired by the neo-Dadaist. 

Matthew, new to Winston-Salem, has just recently joined us! We're excited to have his work on board with us. If you have any advice or suggestions on food, great things to do, etc. give him a shout at or on Instagram @rustedmm

Read His Full Interview Here!

D E A D L I N E S    A N D    U P C O M I N G    E V E N T S

After our Annual Members Meeting on the 18th, we will not have another Artist Meet-Up until September so everyone can enjoy their Summer! Check in with us regularly, though, as we still have some upcoming exhibitions before the summer ends.

Also, we have one community announcement: a Member highly recommends the Artist Thrive Summit that is coming to Winston-Salem in August. For more information about it, click HERE. Note that this is not an AAWS affiliated event. 


8TH     - The Basics of Oil Painting with Viktoria Majestic

11TH   - Under the Sea Artists' Reception at Milton Rhodes 5:30 to 7 PM

18TH   - Annual Members Meeting


"When We Were Kids" Call for Art opens


16TH - New Cycle of Bill Edwards Grant Applications are due