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Treasured Memories Collage Workshop with Michelle Schenker

  • 05/11/2024
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Masonic Center of Winston-Salem
  • 3


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Let’s celebrate International Collage Day! In this class, you will learn the language of paper, including how to select and layer papers to create a richly textured backdrop for your focal point. 


We will also explore: 

  • color and texture selection from magazines and papers
  • creating a unique, layered background with collage

  • making choices about composition 
  • how to integrate your focal point to make a special art piece or greeting card that is uniquely yours! 

Please Bring: 

  • your sense of play and experimentation
  • a few old magazines or catalogs to cut up
  • a special photo (can be printed on copy paper to 4x6 or 5x7 size) of a loved one, vacation, pet, flower, etc., you’d like to feature in your art. if you don't bring a photo, we can also create a focal point on paper.
  • acid-free glue stick (ideally Uhu brand)
  • a pair of scissors


No drawing or painting experience is required. Any and all levels are welcome. 

In addition, we're hoping for some eco-friendly inspiration. Got some paper, magazines, or pieces of unfinished art that needs a little rejuvenation? Bring it! We'll have time to trade materials and find new life and inspiration for your recycled pieces. 

Mother’s Day is the day after the workshop, so this could be a great opportunity to create something special for a nurturer in your life.  

About the Teacher, Michelle Schenker: 

Michelle is a watercolor and mixed media artist living in Winston-Salem. She loves discovering and exploring her passion for nature via a paintbrush, gelli plate, and glue stick.  

She's a member of the Associated Artists of Winston-Salem, the Watercolor Society of North Carolina, Collage Artists 

of America, High Country Plein Air Painters, Special Agent Collage Collective, and Arts For Art's Sake.

Four of her works were recently chosen for the High Point Furniture Market from over 400 other works. 

Check out her work at: or at on Instagram!

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